Hello Dave and group,

Just yesterday received such an email from a guy
alledgely(sp?) in canada wanting to
purchase 5 tires which I had advertized in a
local Phoenix area site..

I'm not quite sure what to do with this info
but am inclined to attempt to at least
contact someone at his isp to inform them of this scam.
His email is free from www.wapda.com.

73, Bill   w8akh   Phoenix Az

David Knepper wrote:

Has anyone heard of a scam where a person supposedily has a check from
someone in the States that owes him money and he wants you to cash this
check and take out the money for the radio.  You then send him the
differerence to him.  Sounds like a scam to me.

I thought I had read about this scheme somewhere.

A quick reply will be appreciated.

Thank you
Dave, W3ST
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association

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