Robert M. Bratcher Jr. wrote:

If I wanted more than 100w of AM (out of my Collins 23V-3) then I'd use it for carrier only then plate modulate an amplifier with a modulation transformer (if I could find one) plus a speech amp. Then I'd run the maximum legal AM power of 375 watts.

But then I run AM on the KW-1 (pure DSB AM) & sometimes the KWS-1 (which does carrier plus one sideband) at the 375w limit. I'd prefer to do AM at a kilowatt but thats not legal anymore.

I wonder how many AM'ers run more than the legal 375 watts? I've thought about it...

Bob, there is no "magic number" of 375w of carrier being "legal" for AM. What's legal is 1500w PEP output from the transmitter. This, by the way, is damned difficult (but not impossible) to measure.

If it were me, and I wanted to run a rig that wasn't covered up with neighbors (like I am!) I'd load the final to 500w DC Input and let'er run wild to where EVER the peaks went!

73 = Best Regards,

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