Gary Blau wrote:

Not sure where the article is exactly pertinent to this.
If the exciter B+ is reduced, so is the max available exciter PEP.
If the B+ stays the same and the screen V is reduced the max available
exciter PEP is (roughly) the same, but the carrier power out (no mod)
goes down.

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm 'weak' when it comes to pentode/tetrode design/operation. I like triodes. Their easier to work with, and require fewer power supplies. Less can go wrong.

If your concern is running as much carrier power as possible while
staying within the (stupid) 1500W PEP limit then reduce your positive
modulation as much as you can tolerate while keeping the negative
modulation as consistently high as possible.  Won't sound very good, but
there it is.

Why wouldn't it sound as good? You've just reversed the 'phase' of the audio if you, say, switch the grid caps on the modulators, or switched the plate caps on the modulators, even reversing the polarity of the microphone would have *basically* the same effect. Yes, your positive peaks would reduce, and you can run the carrier level back up.

At 1500wPEP output (as John so eloquently described in his article) with his rig and voice, he would have to keep his rig at 220w input (around 160w of carrier out) to keep within the 1500w limit. Inverting the audio phase, he could probably run 1000w of carrier, with PEP audio to 1500w, still have the same QUALITY of audio, -and- probably be heard better, due to the lack of interference from the 160w carrier, to the 1000w carrier.
It just wouldn't sound -as loud-.

Agreed, 1500w PEP output is -stupid-.


Geoff wrote:

...I don't think that's what happens.

That's a great read.  Everyone -should- read that.

73 = Best Regards,

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