The article it's in my hands Geoff,
seems very interesting by the first look.But didn't read it with care!
Thanks anyway for your contribution on the mode with the article.To all them
who are listed headline on the article!
Chris SV1DAF.

I didn't write/author it, Chris. Credit that to John/WA5BXO, Don/K4KYV, Tim/W5TOB and input from Bob(Bacon)/WA3WDR. I copied the article from John's location at due to the outages there. Not to mention that when -is- up, the noted slowness of the server. Al/K3TKJ does a great job at maintaining the server out of his own pocket, but it's at it's limits.

I only *wish* I had the resources to become another mirror for Bama, the on-line manual site.

Here's a good hint too, gang... If you do a Google search for "Bama Mirror" you'll find you'll have -much better luck- in getting in there, than you would the actual Bama site.

73 = Best Regards,

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