
   I'm 54 1/2 yrs young.  I've run AM off and on since about 1982.

I started with an SX-101A and an HT-37 that the local club in Columbus, GA put up for auction since they wanted to replace the station in the City EOC with a TS-520S. I won with the ONLY bid of $75.

The vast majority of "new" hams wouldn't touch it since they had to figure out how to sync a separate Tx/Rx.

Kept that station until about 1988, when I donated it to a High School Science department. Sure wish I had kept it!

Bob - N0DGN

Geoff wrote:


I believe Harry, ZL2MM was the first DX for many novices.  My first was
JH1WIX, Taroh Yagi, who also frequented the US Novice frequencies. Harry was not far down the log as my second DX. This was in the summer of 1980, I was about 15 years old, and freshly licensed as KA6JWD. I wish I could regain some of that old excitement. It's been a LONG time
since I've been on HF.  I'm renewing my interest ham radio with older
vacuum tube gear such as a DX-100, Globe Scout, etc which are awaiting
restoration and repair.  Several QRP projects are also in the works.


Somone on this list, is interested in AM, and is YOUNGER than me? (46yrs)

My first Novice contact, as KA5THB, was with the most appropriate ham I could
think of... W5OMR.
My Dad was issued that call back in nineteen forty-something, when he exited (from what HE called) the Moron Corps, and started working for the 'simple servants' out
in Los Alamos, NM.
Originally issued W0BYB, in Ark City, KS, when you changed call areas, you had to
(back then) change call signs, and take what they gave you.

73 = Best Regards,

AMRadio mailing list

                      Bob Bethman - N0DGN
| N0DGN AMRadio Manassas, VA    |    REAL Tube Radio and AM        |
|       Manassas Radio - Home of Homemade Kielbasa & Pirogi        |
| Bob Bethman                \\\|///     " The absence of a danger |
| rbethman(at)   \\ ~ ~ //      signal does *NOT* mean  |
|                           (/ @ @ /)      that everything is OK " |
|               <>                |
| 1 BC-610I w/BC-614I,1 T-213/GRC-26 w/BC614I 1 '51 Collins R-390A |
|  SP-600/NR Type 159, Heath DX-60, Apache, Mohawk, SX-101, HT-32A |
|           Amateur Astronomer - Celestron Nexstar 8               |
|             12" f5 Dob coming soon!  Being built                 |
|                          Meade ETX-60                            |
|           38 Deg 46'48.62"' N - 77 Deg 28'26.89" W               |
|   Opinions expressed are that of my own and do not necessarily   |
|         coincide with or represent those of ANYONE else          |
|ALL E-mail received and sent scanned by AVG & Norton System Works |

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