I believe Harry, ZL2MM was the first DX for many novices.  My first was
JH1WIX, Taroh Yagi, who also frequented the US Novice frequencies.  Harry
was not far down the log as my second DX.  This was in the summer of 1980,
I was about 15 years old, and freshly licensed as KA6JWD.  

I wish I could regain some of that old excitement.  It's been a LONG time
since I've been on HF.  I'm renewing my interest ham radio with older
vacuum tube gear such as a DX-100, Globe Scout, etc which are awaiting
restoration and repair.  Several QRP projects are also in the works.

Joe, N6DGY

Original Message:
From: Rbethman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 10:32:59 -0500
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Old Novice Days

I vividly remember MY first Novice DX contact in 1981.

I was running an SB-102, HP-23, & SP-600 rig.  To get on 15 mtrs I was 
using an 11 mtr ground plane (5/8 wave), with a homebrew tuner.

I was in the novice segment, called CQ, and got a SSB voice reply from a 
Mr. Harry Adcock, ZL2MM, North Island, Masterton, New Zealand.

Obviously being a VERY excited novice, I fell all over myself with the 
key.  Errors all over the place.  Mr. Adcock was VERY tolerant!  We went 
on for around 20 - 30 minutes.  It was VERY satisfying and delightful, 
in spite of my having to repeatedly send the "error" character!

Bob - N0DGN

Todd, KA1KAQ wrote:

>My funny novice story has to do with my first CW contact. I'm a newbie
>compared to most, licensed in March of 1983. Shortly thereafter I
>spoke with a VE3 station for what I thought was 20 minutes or so, all
>shakey and nervous and using the 'dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-' error
>signal many a time. My YL of the day was downstairs talking with my
>mom (she apparently got bored). Later she asked me if I knew how long
>I had spent on the contact. I said 'sure, about 20 minutes'. She
>rolled her eyes and said 'try 2 HOURS'.
>*shrug* It was still fun. A used ricebox 101EE piped to a 40 meter
>antenna I made myself, keyed with el-cheapo imitation brass Ratshack
>key screwed to a couple of wooden slats taped with duct tape to a
>heavy piece of truck leaf spring steel found in the road in front of
>my house. I still have the key and antenna.
>DX(sortakinda?) on my first try! 
>de Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ

                       Bob Bethman - N0DGN
| N0DGN AMRadio Manassas, VA    |    REAL Tube Radio and AM        |
|       Manassas Radio - Home of Homemade Kielbasa & Pirogi        |
| Bob Bethman                \\\|///     " The absence of a danger |
| rbethman(at)comcast.net   \\ ~ ~ //      signal does *NOT* mean  |
|                           (/ @ @ /)      that everything is OK " |
|               <http://home.comcast.net/~rbethman>                |
| 1 BC-610I w/BC-614I,1 T-213/GRC-26 w/BC614I 1 '51 Collins R-390A |
|  SP-600/NR Type 159, Heath DX-60, Apache, Mohawk, SX-101, HT-32A |
|           Amateur Astronomer - Celestron Nexstar 8               |
|             12" f5 Dob coming soon!  Being built                 |
|                          Meade ETX-60                            |
|           38 Deg 46'48.62"' N - 77 Deg 28'26.89" W               |
|   Opinions expressed are that of my own and do not necessarily   |
|         coincide with or represent those of ANYONE else          |
|ALL E-mail received and sent scanned by AVG & Norton System Works |

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