> <>
> Geoff wrote:
>> I spoke up (I'm not shy!) and said "What's the matter, this stuff boring
>> you?"  HE said "Hell yeah!  I don't come turn my radio on to just sit
>> and listen to all this electronic building crap!  I wanna talk about
>> what's important to ME!"
>> >> THERE's a 'ham' for ya...
>> See what dropping requirements has done for us?

Sounds like a politican.

> Naw, that has nothing to do with requirements.  Rude transcends
> everything from smart to stupid. The guy must have had a bad hair day. Or perhaps he is on a roll to a bad hair life.
> Were the others interested in building stuff?
> >

Not to sound like an "educated rectum", Frank, but certainly someone else WAS interested in the conversation, otherwise the discussion wouldn't have taken place in the first place (grin)

> Maybe you were communicating with old guys more interested in their
> ailments, cures, and who won the lottery.
> >

No, it's just this -one- guy who (from the only other radio exposure he's had) thinks he's the "Channel Master" of 3.922.

I've since found out that several others who -used- to frequent this particular SSB frequency have also vacated it in search for more "intelligent" conversation topics that are radio related (like building and testing equipment) and are happy with the fact that this person can only be found on 3.922.

> I wouldn't let it bother me.

I'm not going back :-)

This guy used to be out in the oil fields, Frank.

73 = Best Regards,

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