Jim Wilhite wrote:

My point exactly Geoff: PEP is a calculation for most hams who don't have a scope (most don't). Input is a different story. RMS reading can be taken off meters with a single tone signal and using the plate voltage times the current gives you a 10% (depending on the meters and shunt) accuracy.

This, however, is not true of PEP, as you have so aptly pointed out. Even today's PEP wattmeters are not that accurate (better than in the past, but not good enough).

After all who really understands that when calculating the RF safety margins, use of 33 1/3% duty cycle for SSB is appropriate?

Well, seriously - as the man said, petitioning the FCC for more RF power out for Ham Radio operators is like screwing for virginity.

I understand fighting to preserve freedom, but the analogy is lost in translation by the tree-huggers, hippy's, love-children, etc... when they say that fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

It was kinda neat however, glomming the websites for the San Fransisco event a month ago, where a bunch of women protested the war, with their "Boobs, not Bombs" slogan, and showed up, topless, someplace downtown San Fransisco. (where else ~sigh~ )

(don't ask me for the url - google knows.  ;-))

73 = Best Regards,

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