Yet another choice is the 900 mhz cordless head phones. I remoted the 
transmitter in my attic and fed the audio up to it via shielded wire. 

I increased my range enough to cover most of my yard while mowing and it 
isn't a small yard. The other choice was to remote the transmitter t the 
top of the tower and see what it does. Since the transmitter has not had 
it's antenna changed and it is just higher off the ground I doubt there s 
an issue with the FCC.

73 Larry WA9VRH

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 20:02:29 -0500, "Gary Schafer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote :

> > If you want to hear your AM roundtable while you are called away to the
> > telephone or using the bathroom, get a good speaker, attach it to your
> > receiver, and turn up the volume.
> > 
> An old cordless phone would do the trick.
> 73
> Gary  K4FMX
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