W5OMR/Geoff writes:
Is it really that hard, Larry, to delete all of the unnecesary message?

ne1s wrote:

> Hi Geoff,
> As a matter of fact, I try to par particular attention to this, and typically only leave the info i consider pertinent (sp?)from the previous message in the reply. > It is possible that I screwed up on this occaision (if so, please accept my apologies), or that what I think is pertinent & necassary (so that the contest of the reply is > understood) dissagrees with your assessment. (Since you included none of my original posting, I can't tell ;>))

there was a lot of it, for a 1 or two line reply ;-) My contention was, the little blurb at the bottom of every AMRadio Reflector message had been copied like 4 times.

Anyway - this conversation isn't gonna do the archive any good, so no harm, no foul ;-)

73 = Best Regards,

A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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