Any Pi-network final should match it fine. The SWR is only 1.5:1 with a 75
ohm-50ohm coax mismatch.  In fact using 75 ohm coax for a dipole is correct.
The pi-net in the rig will easily handle that.  A solid state rig  can also
handle the mismatch without a problem.

You'll need an "unun"  that goes from 75 to 50 ohms.  The problem is that
transformationis so small that I've never heard of one being commercially
available,(try Radio Works, ), they might have
one, but I doubt it.  You don't need one anyway, as the transformation is
too small to worry about.


Pieter Gerlach wrote:
As an added favour could anyone tell me what sort of toroidal core i would
need to transform 75 to 50 0hms. I was given a large quantity of CATV
hard-line and read that it would be well to match the impedance to the
antenna and the transmitter. Or do you think the Pi-network in the P.A.
would be able to match the 75 ohm? I would at leat like to know which cores
from Amidon would be the right ones in case i just want to construct a few
transformers for experience sake. Thanks so much for any help you can give

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