To you Pete and all, I posted Ted's site as a viable alternative to AM Fone. On Ted's site, you will receive a respectful answer to any post made. My comments were not intended to implicate or indite a particular person or group. It was mentioned so if anyone West of the Mississippi would like an alternative, it is available.

The person to which I referred made several snide remarks to technical posts I made rather than be inclusive and disagree in a respectful manner. In fact his comments is what first made me uneasy with the direction of the board to becoming more regionalized. You, however, have always be respectful to all who post there. This despite the fact that I have seen several really take you to task over your support of the ARRL. You have also responded to inquiries I have made in in the past. I suppose the difference may be that you were (are) in the manual business and recognize the value of respect for your peers, whereas some over there do not have the benefit of trying to please most people.


Under Rules, it says: This is radio site dedicated to AM. The reason most come here is to meet and exchange information about our mode and hobby." Obviously, their is no requirement to have a amateur license since many short wave listeners and general radio/electronic experimenters are also interested in AM and in some of our technical discussions. The technical
discussion threads can vary all over the place.

Although I can't place the person you referred to below, it could be he's been a long time friend to many who responded to his posts. Could be any
number of reasons.

Pete, wa2cwa

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