I had a tough time there too, for a while. Not because anyone was
intentionally avoiding me though. I'd been off the air for anything
but emergency comms and testing for over 10 years, and many of my old
friends were either dead or not on the 'net. Folks just didn't know or
remember me, because I still wasn't on the air when I started to get
active again.

Seems to me that anywhere you just show up, people will tend to be a
bit standoffish if they don't know who you are. Like Pete, I've had
some remarks tossed my way from time to time, but ignore any ill
intent. It's not a lot different than the real world, and you can't be
thin-skinned if you want to enjoy yourself.

I've made remarks on there about 'pissweak' stations, for example. Not
to belittle, but because I've been there myself and know how it feels
to be on 75 at night and not heard. When I was last on back in the
early 90s, a 32V running 100 watts couldn't be heard most nights due
to natural band noise as well as QRM. The guys wanted me to join in,
but if I tried, it could cost them the frequency to some rude SSB ops.

Even before AMfone, when I was posting to the AM Window, there were
plenty of times I posted and got few or no responses. Again, it comes
with the territory of not being known. I'm just the hard-headed type
who will keep trying. I figure if they really don't want me, I'll make
them say so. They just had to get used to me.

I credit amfone and this reflector with most of the AM friends I have.
If I'm going somewhere, I post my intentions and meet new folks,
attend hamfests, visit stations or whatever else is possible.

Realize that, like any group, it takes both sides some time to get
acquainted. Many of the folks I correspond with are not from New
England or even the northeast. And I certainly don't see amfone as a
'northeast' group. Skip, K7YOO is a regular, along with many others
beyond 1,2,3 Land. Lately we've been trying to help Ellen, AF9J, get
an AM station together and on the air.

As Brian said, attitude plays a big role, all the way around. It's
what you make it, really.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

On 4/3/07, Stevan A. White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
something to offer here.  Like Jim, I have posted viable comments and
been belittled, ignored and once or twice thanked off-list.  When I saw
Jim's suggestion about the other forum, I checked into it and signed up.
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