You are absolutely correct, Pete, no one owns any frequency in Amateur
Radio.  I have operated SSB on 3870 and on a number of other frequencies
also, and will likely do so in the future.  I listen before transmitting and
don't intend to interfere with other stations, and hope that other stations
will operate with the same courtesy, understanding and respect of the
privileges we have as Amateur Radio Operators.

Unfortunately, there are those who will exploit and abuse those
understandings, and in this case FCC rules.

It benefits all if we can come up with our own understandings of where we
can operate without disturbing other operations.  We have limited bandspace
and multiple modes of operation.  If we cooperate, that bandspace can be
used to the benefit of everyone.  There are DX windows for example that are
not mandated, but reserved for distance communications.  Same with digital
modes in and around CW operations.  Hopefully we are mature enough so that
it shouldn't be necessary to rely on an enforcement body to watch our every
move, and that we can set up schedules and nets.

This is an old saw and has digressed into bear-baiting in this case.  It is
time to work on our stations or get on the air and make contacts.  :^)

73 de Bill, ab6mt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] the post about post last week...

> As others have pointed out, I don't know of any widely published band
> plans that identify an AM Window exclusively for AM operation on 75
> meters. 3885 has been a recognized AM calling frequency for many years.
> However, here on the East Coast, I'm willing to bet you can probably find
> as many AM'ers operating 3880, 3875, and 3870 as they do 3885. Even I
> have worked SSB stations on 3870. No one owns a frequency and definitely
> no one owns an imaginary window. It doesn't take rocket science to set up
> either during QRM'less QSO's or through e-mail, or even via land lines or
> a USPS Post Card, alternate frequencies to check for activities of
> interested parties (i.e. nets, swap shops, current medical ills, etc.).
> This type of constant discontent is probably why the majority of my 75
> meter AM activity is below 3870 KHz. I have no use for imaginary windows
> since there is a heck of a lot of empty spectrum as you tune lower in the
> band. And, contrary to popular belief, you can work coast to coast below
> 3870 KHz.
> > Hi Pete,
> >
> > Thank you for the reference, there are others (which I have not been
> > able to
> > find).  The list describes the AM window from 3870 to 3885.  What is
> > silly
> > about two calling frequencies?  There are a large number of AM
> > operators on
> > the band, on all coasts.  3885 is a popular East coast frequency and
> > 3870 is
> > popular on the West coast.   There is also plenty of activity
> > in-between,
> > and when the band is open, it is a kick to operate coast-to-coast.
> > :-)
> >
> > 73 de Bill, ab6mt
> >
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