Todd, KA1KAQ wrote:
Looks like you made it back home fine, Geoff. Enjoyed chatting with
you while you were up this way last month, hope to work you on the air
soon -

Hey, Todd! Great talking to you, too!

Yeah, it was a good trip, all in all. Made Dayton, got to visit with Brett/N2DTS and all in all, enjoyed my 4,210 mile driving vacation.

The trip synopsis is...

The trip was uneventful, save for having to replace the back glass in the hatch on the Honda civic CRX. A short-bed dump truck was going the opposite direction on a 2-lane road, and apparently a mini-twister grabbed the 75m ham stick antenna, and the tri-magnet mag-mount and twisted it loose from the top of the car. When it got air-borne, naturally, towards the back of the car it went, until it hit the end of the coax... "WHAP! *BAM * /CRASH/ TINKLE, Tinkle tinkle..." I Thought I had been shot at, or something. The mount got free of the car, hit the end of the coax, bashed out the glass, broke free of the coax, bounced and rolled around on the highway, and slung off all of the magnets. I found one magnet, and the 75m ham-stick, but the mount is probably still tumbling somewhere in a corn field near the Illinois/Indiana state line.

Got the back glass fixed in New Jersey (for about $800 less than what a glass place wanted in Indianapolis!), bought another tri-mag mag-mount at HRO in New Castle, Delaware, (on the way out of Jersey) but the 40m antenna refused to work, and I wasn't in the car at the right time for 75m, so kinda gave up on HF mobile.

DID pick up a 10m/CB rig from Brett/N2DTS when I was in Jersey, but I never heard anyone on 10m. Listened to lots of smokey reports on 27.185 MHz, though :-)

So, the short summary of the trip was, drove from San Antonio to Dallas on Monday the 14th for an overnight visit, from Dallas to North Central Missouri, to visit some friends for 3 or 4 days, left that Friday morning for Dayton. The glass got broke in Illinois, between MO and OH. Left Dayton around 4pm Saturday afternoon and drove to Wheeling, WVA, stopped for the night there, then drove the next morning across PA (and the [EMAIL PROTECTED] turnpike - $16.75 from Washington, PA to Philly - highway robbery! The turnpike opened in 1940. Ain't it paid for, yet?) and made it to my New Jersey destination, Sunday evening. Got the glass fixed in Jersey, and left there Thursday morning, rambling my way back to San Antonio. Stopped in Willis, TX to climb a tower, and came on home Sunday afternoon.
14 days on the road. 3 nights in a hotel, 2 nights in the car.

73 = Best Regards,
(safe at home in San Antone)
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