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Bob Bruninga wrote:


We'll agree to disagree regarding your take of the rules as almost
everyone else did on APRSSIG. ;)

> There is no reason to nit pick rules.  When one is broadcasting (one
> way) to the general public or using amateur radio inappropriately, I
> think everyone can tell when it is blatanly illegal.  I just don't
> see the FCC cares one nit about some of these debates when any one
> can see that hams are taking initiative to better their use of the
> radio art.

Considering that they've recently ruled on whether contesters should
give blanket "5-by-9" signals, I'd think they'd be glad to rule on
something interesting and relevant. :)

>>> You just have to ignore the curmudgeons who have nothing better
>>> to do than nit-pick ways to prevent other hams from developing
>>> useful applications of technology.  A pager is simply the
>>> text-to-user device integrated into the normal local 2-way
>>> amateur radio communications system.
>> The issue is that, according to Part 97, it can't be used beyond
>> QSTs, telemetry, or "necessary" emergency communications.  Could I
>> get away with setting up such a system? Likely. Do I foot to stand
>> on when my local OO comes knocking? Not so much.
> Some OO's are part of the problem, not the solution...

Then the solution has presented itself. Get a ruling from the FCC
regarding the use of transmissions to receive-only devices such as
pagers. Then we can finally put this issue to rest and if anyone comes
knocking regarding the legality of these transmissions, we can have
something concrete to cite.

Again, I'd love to set up something like this, but I'd be hard pressed
to spend a chunk of money on a system that could be taken down if
someone files a complaint to the FCC.

Let's take any further discussion about this offline.

- --
Ben Jackson - N1WBV - New Bedford, MA
bbj <at> innismir.net - http://www.innismir.net/
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