Hi everybody,

I finally did my first SSB bird this morning using VO-52. The winner
is NL7VX Steven.

The experience was incredible !! Using SSB sat is a little bit tricker
for beginner..... but FUN!!

I will try as soon as a pass will be enough high for me.... And I will
also keep learning how to tweak everything around me in my shack !!

Best 73 !!


P.S. VA2SS.... SS stands for SAT SAT!! Hi Hi !!

2009/8/4 Rocky Jones <orbit...@hotmail.com>:
> Jean.  My experience is that you will do just fine.  I have used a
> Lindenblad and crossed dipoles (see the QST stories) for quite a bit as
> secondary/field day antennas ...and now that we have a country place outside
> of Houston am setting them up here as first of antennas...they work great on
> most if not all of the low orbit satellites.  I even do fairly well on AO
> 7.    The M2 are good antennas so you shouldnt have any problems.
> I would be interested to hear about your results  take care and good luck
> Robert WB5MZO
>> Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 08:53:17 -0400
>> From: jf.va...@gmail.com
>> To: AMSAT-BB@amsat.org
>> Subject: [amsat-bb] FO-29 and VO-52
>> Hi,
>> I would like to know if I'm dreaming, but will it be possible for me
>> to use these two satellites with my pair of FT-817 running on
>> SatPC32??
>> Am I asking too much for my 5W only radios ?? I'm using 2 Eggbeater
>> antenna from M²... EB-144 and EB432 with AR² preamps on both antennas
>> feed with heliax.
>> 73
>> --
>> Jean-François Ménard
>> VA2SS
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> AMSAT www.amsat.org / Member #37102
>> ARRL www.arrl.org
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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Jean-François Ménard

AMSAT www.amsat.org / Member #37102
ARRL  www.arrl.org

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