> Finally, a truism that probably bears repeating, though not addressing
> the two comments quoted above: if we call cubesats 'not amateur
> radio', then we should tar OSCAR 1 with that same brush.
> 73, Bruce
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Bruce...that is really not fair.

Oscar 1 (and 2) were "first time" for a lot of things and had at their heart 
the goal of building amateur radio communications platforms...that is why Oscar 
"X" (I think that is what they call it...a repeat of Oscar 1 and 2) was shelved 
in favor of Oscar III a communications platform.

Both Oscar 1 and II lasted until their batteries ran out...indeed I think 
Number 1 lasted until it decayed..Oscar V tested communications technology from 
spacecraft stabilization to command systems etc. and it lasted until its 
batteries ran out

.that is far longer sat life then most of the cubesats have.  which mostly have 
nothing to do with amateur radio

Robert WB5MZO
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