Greg D. wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Whatever the satellite, if you're trying to stretch the footprint, your sked 
> is always going to be at the peak of elevation, for that fleeting moment when 
> the satellite is a few degrees above the horizon.  That means that you're 
> always going to be at zero doppler shift, and the math will always be the 
> same.  Find yourself once at TCA on any pass, and lock them in.  The numbers 
> will be the same for your sked.
> Good luck,
> Greg  KO6TH
I wouldn't agree with that statement at all. Most of my long haul 
contacts on AO-7, FO-20 and 29, and now HO-68, are right after AOS or 
just before LOS, certainly not at TCA. Use my recent QSOs on HO-68 with 
Argentina as an example. Even when I work Europe on AO-7 it is at the 
beginning or end of a pass...not the middle.

Bob, SatPC32 will show you the frequency with Doppler shift, and the 
Doppler shift. A little subtraction or addition and you have what you want.

73, Drew KO4MA
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