Luc Leblanc schrieb:
>>> Hi All
>>> Amsat India has 2 linear tranponders ready and we Amsat India are asking
>>> ISRO for a higher orbit to cover a larger foot print and longer pass
>>> duration.
>>> Best regards
>>> Pop
>>> VU2POP
>>> Dir Technical
>>> Amsat India
>> Hi Pop, VU2POP
>> I am very happy to know that AMSAT India plan to launch a new
>> satellite with 2 linear transponders in a higher orbit covering  a
>> larger foot print in comparison of the actual VO-52
>> VO-52 continually operating with its linear transponders during all
>> available orbits is a reliable satellite for the amateur radio satellite
>> communications and  as well for educational purposes.
>> Congratulations to Amsat India and to ISRO
>> 73" de
>> i8CVS Domenico
> With a little more "push" is it possible to have just a slightly elliptical 
> orbit? I don't know what brand of batteries they put in VO-52
> but they probably put a small pink rabbit in it as they don't seems to bother 
> too much with their power budget...
> What's is funny is the commenting on the perf board model AMSAT-India was 
> showing couple of years before the launch of VO-52, some where
> commenting on the jumper wire perf board modelling as if it was not something 
> who will never be able to work...
> AMSAT-INDIA just doing an excellent and professional job on VO-52 they even 
> put 2 transponder in the same satellite "too strong never
> broke". I'm convince their new orbit will cover quite some area on earth..
> "-"
> Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
> Skype VE2DWE
> DSTAR urcall VE2DWE
If you carefully read, AMSAT-India has 2 Linear-Transponders ready
and not a satellite. As you knows, the satellite VO-52 itself was built
and contributed by ISRO to AMSAT-India.

If you want a satellite in HEO then support Phase-3E from AMSAT-DL.


Best Regards, 73
     Thomas Frey, HB9SKA

   Thomas Frey, Holzgasse 2, CH-5242 Birr, Tel. + Fax: 056 444 93 41

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