Then, what's the PVC for?

I went with a closet pole (sans PVC) for my horizontal support, and it's still 
going fine after something like 10 years up on the roof.  Around here (Northern 
California Sierra foothills), PVC degrades very quickly in the Sun, so it's 
more of a liability than anything else.  It's also pretty heavy for what 
weather proofing or whatever else you think you're getting.  You'd be better 
off filling the extra diameter with more wood.

The vertical support is steel, held in a wooden tripod.

Greg  KO6TH

> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 09:11:22 -0800
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: PVC
> Then what you have is a wooden structure with a PVC overcoat!  The PVC is 
> still not the "real" structural material.
> Glen, K9STH
> Website:
> --- On Thu, 2/24/11, Ken Ernandes <> wrote:
> It works well to fill a PVC pipe with a wood dowel the size of the pipe's 
> inner diameter.  Then you just need to weatherproof the ends of the pipe with 
> caps or otherwise.
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