On 4/23/2011 2:42 PM, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-04-23 at 10:42 -0500, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
>> In the end, digital compression of spectrum space is going to happen more and
>> more.  AM style broadcast is hugely inefficient even though it is painfully
> Okay, but *why*?  Why are we so obsessed with squeezing bandwidth down
> and down, at the expense of intelligibility?

You unfortunately provided data on why we should get ahead of crunching 
down bandwidth: Because sooner or later, we're going to get squeezed for 
bandwidth due to our spectrum being fairly empty and everyone and their 
brother wanting to push IP to their new wireless toaster service.

I'm not a fan of proprietary codecs but our lack of an alternative back 
in the 2000s caused D-STAR to be used with AMBE. Too bad, so sad. Don't 
support it, probably not going to use it. My worry is that even though 
we provided a alternative with Codec2, what cutting edge technology that 
will be here five years from now are we not developing because we were 
playing catch up?

Ben Jackson - N1WBV - New Bedford, MA
bbj <at> innismir.net - http://www.innismir.net/
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