Don't overlook the various events described on the AMSAT web site.   
The Thursday night gathering and Friday banquet are particularly good  
times to meet and hob-nob with your fellow satellite users.

-- Dave, W8AAS

On May 16, 2011, at 8:36 PM, KM9U wrote:

> Well, its beginning to sound like I'd be better off using a cell  
> sad. My number is area code 3 one seven, 5 zero fore,   
> fife six four too
> KM9U
> .
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Taylor" < 
> >
> To: "AMSAT BB" <>
> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 20:14
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Dayton Frequency?
>> Those repeaters have been suggested by AMSAT in the past because they
>> are close to the Fairborn hotel where AMSAT has its room block and
>> because the repeater owners have welcomed us.
>> Setting the record straight, however, they do not belong to DARA;  
>> they
>> are run by the Upper Valley ARC.
>> -- Dave, W8AAS
>>   (looking forward to being home in Dayton again)
>> On May 16, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
>>> Chuck,
>>> Nominally, there are a couple of DARA repeaters which are suggested
>>> for
>>> AMSAT:
>>> 145.410 MHz -600 KHz 118.8 Hz Pl
>>> 442.375 MHz +5 MHz 118.8 HZ Pl
>>> I monitor them when driving around, but don't hear much AMSAT- 
>>> specific
>>> traffic.  Friendly folks though!  Inside the arena, I don't even
>>> try, due to
>>> the intermod and general din.
>>> 73s,
>>> Alan
>>> WA4SCA
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: []
>>> On
>>> Behalf Of KM9U
>>> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 4:48 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [amsat-bb] Dayton Frequency?
>>> I plan to attend Dayton this year (first time since 1981) and would
>>> like to
>>> meet some of those that I've contacts with on the satellites.
>>> I was wondering if there might be an "agreed on"  2m or 70cm  
>>> frequency
>>> (other than the normal simplex frequencies) that has been
>>> established  for
>>> our "group"?
>>> Hope to see many of you in Dayton!
>>> 73,
>>> Chuck, KM9U

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