Maybe he was thinking of one of these..........
73, Harvey

----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Greg D." <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 0:51 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: 70cm Helicoil Good/Bad expensive?

> Hi Art,
> I've got a BBQ Grill too, but used a 3 1/4 turn helix for a feed.   I was 
> able to work AO-40 at apogee with it.  Definitely a nice system.
> How big is your dish?  I've not seen a Grill antenna much bigger than the 
> one I currently have, and I'm told it's not  big enough for 1.2 ghz (only 
> 30").  Supposed to need at least 4'.  So instead I built a helix for that 
> band and did some L/S and L/U through AO-51. Then I found a commercial 
> long boom 1.2 ghz yagi at another Ham Swap (gotta keep me away from 
> those!), and replaced the Helix.  But, you know, I don't think the new 
> antenna improved things.  Mechanically, yes, but not RF.  The Beacon off 
> to the West is about the same on either one.
> Given the lack of S-band on the current birds, I was thinking about taking 
> down the Grill for a while, just to lighten the load on the rotor motors. 
> Maybe put up a Wi-Fi flat panel, just to keep the band open.  But if I can 
> get both 1.2 and 2.4 out of the Grill instead, might that be better?
> Greg  KO6TH
>> From:
>> To:;
>> Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] Re: 70cm Helicoil Good/Bad expensive?
>> Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:26:17 -0700
>> Greg,
>> Do not overlook the 2.4 GHz grid dishes. I have successfully added a quad
>> loop for 23 cm (1.2GHz) and have been pleasantly surprised with the
>> performance. I have used one for transmit on 2.4 and receive on 1.2 for 
>> ATV
>> work. A single dish with two microwave bands.
>> Art,
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