Hi James,

The CSV files are created automatically. You should have an "ARISSatTLM"
folder on the desktop of your computer, created during the installation.
Look in there, under the "Telemetry" folder.

That was easy, wasn't it?  :)  Gotta love those kind of fixes.

Glad you are having fun and success with telemetry collection.  It's been
fun for me, too.


Mark N8MH

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 9:54 AM, James Luhn <l...@wt.net> wrote:

> I am running ARISSatTLM software to receive the data from the ARISSat-1
> satellite.  I have seen several mentioning sending .csv files with data.  Is
> the ARISSatTLM capable of generating a .csv data file?  Perhaps a cut and
> paste of the data is done.  I have used print screen to capture what I have
> recorded.  Is there a much better way to record the data?  I feel like I
> have missed something somewhere.  At first I did not have much success
> receiving the data.  I think I was trying too hard.  One day I was getting
> disgusted with it all and just did nothing, no tuning, no nothing.  I
> received 9 frames of data perfectly.  Once again the philosophy of "if it
> don't stink, don't stir" applies.  This satellite has added many hours of
> fun to my amateur radio hobby.
> 73,
> -James, W5AOO
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Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
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