
Sounds like it  was a very successful weekend. Thanks for your enthusiasm. I'm 
sure it was contagious.


---- Clint Bradford <> wrote: 
> PACIFICON in Santa Clara was a blast! Had a great time.
> Arrived Friday mid-day - in plenty of time to work AO-51 at 4:30PM PDT.
> Saturday, of course, was non-stop fun. Gordo emcee'd breakfast. I gave my 
> satellite show twice - right before and right after lunch. Standing room only 
> group of 56 attendees for the first show. About 47 for the second show. Then 
> we worked passes outside: A0-27 "showed up" mid-pass for us at about 245PM 
> PDT. Then AO-51 again for a GREAT pass at about 3:53PM PDT.
> The event didn't formally get a request in to work Commander Fossom aboard 
> the ISS for his 3:06AM PDT pass on early Saturday morning ... He worked a 
> Scout group FIVE MINUTES before streaking across Santa Clara - but his radios 
> were already turned OFF for a while. BUT our group of several 
> kids/Scouts/parents/hotel security staff enjoyed a video I had set up on 
> Fossum's NASA career, and we all had a great time - albeit 3 o'clock in the 
> morning ... (grin)
> The PACIFICON organization is a first-class group. They treat their speakers 
> well ... offer all aspects of the hobby to their attendees ... and gave it 
> all to us in a comfortable venue (Santa Clara Marriott). They will be hosting 
> the NATIONAL ARRL Convention next year!
> The organizers gave me a table right inside the front door of the exhibition 
> hall - couldn't have asked for better placement. AMSAT Symposium flyers and 
> sat sheets and more were handed out to attendees.
> More will be posted on my Work-Sat YahooGroup later this week.
> Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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