On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 13:05:22 +0200
"i8cvs" <domenico.i8...@tin.it> wrote:

> Hi Kevin, KF7MYK
> The official Definitios given by IARU ( the International Amateur Radio
> Union) for the Amateur Service and the Amateur-Satellite Service are the
> following :

And here you make an excellent point - there's no use trotting out the FCC 
regulations, because they are irrelevant.  If the FCC and ARRL want to turn 
amateur radio into "all emcomm, all the time" then that's great.  Don't pollute 
*my* enjoyment of the hobby with that rubbish, though.

The IARU trumps the FCC.

Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ <gordon...@gjcp.net>
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