On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:

> 97.1 Basis and purpose.-
> The rules and regulations in this Part are designed to provide an amateur 
> radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following 
> principles:
> [...]

> None of these items say "this is a hobby" nor do they allude to "just having 
> fun."  I am not trying to say that its just serious in nature, but there is a 
> considerable amount of personal responsibility and focused effort implied by 
> the above points.  Think seriously about the phrase "This is a HOBBY people." 
>  It's not "just" a hobby, although there are many things that you might do 
> with Amateur Radio that don't focus on the above points.  The above points 
> are the "reason" why the FCC

I don't think that's what Kevin meant. But sooner or later it had to happen on 
the Literalnet. Maybe some people should get outside a bit more and get a life.

73 Mike K5TRI

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