for the sake of conversation what would a link budget look like for a 
transponder on the moon?  Say for L & S band, get out the old AO-40 gear! 
(sobsob).  Still rebuilding all antenna systems, includes digging holes, mixing 
concrete, welding, gin poles, trying to convince  xyl etc. 

73 Bob W7LRD 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Stefan Wagener" <> 
To: "Amsat - BBs" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:06:36 PM 
Subject: [amsat-bb] European Lunar Lander - Call for Declarations of Interest 

ESA has posted a very unique opportunity: 

Wouldn't it be great if the key AMSAT organizations put a proposal together 
to put a ham radio transponder on the moon. It can have all the cool 
educational outreach and training opportunities associated with it. Let's 
encourage the AMSAT leadership teams to move quickly. We can do it, don't 
you think? 

Stefan VE4NSA 
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