You are correct, a J Pole is an end fed dipole on its side. Max gain at the
horizon and extinction at 90 degree elevation. The J section is for matching
and does not radiate. Gain = 2.1 dBi at the horizon.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jeff Moore
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 10:48 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: J-Pole Antenna

I wouldn't recommend a J-pole for satellite work unless you expect to 
only work sats on the horizon.  The J-Pole antenna has a low take-off 
angle and almost NO radiation overhead,  an plain 1/4 wave ground plane 
antenna would work better for the sats.

J-poles are great terrestrial communications antennas, not so much for 
working overhead satellite passes.  An Eggbeater or quadrifiliar antenna 
would be a better choice.

7 3

Jeff Moore  --  KE7ACY

On 5/12/2013 8:00 AM, Werner, HB9BNK wrote
> Thank you all for your valuable hints and advices !
> I will now build such an antenna and then supply here the results.
> 73 Werner, HB9BNK

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