On 9/28/13, Raydel Abreu Espinet (CM2ESP) <cm2...@frcuba.co.cu> wrote:
> Nope, It was only announced on the HearSat mailing list and only few
> enthusiastics replied. On this world of new space probes with S band
> downlinks very few are interested in monitoring old birds which comes back
> to live spontaneously.

When the 50th anniversary of Alouette 1 came and went, there wasn't
much on the news about it here in Canada or, at least, I didn't see
much.  I guess it wasn't as fancy as a Blackberry.

> However the happiness and enjoy I felt after re-discover that old historical
> spacecraft is beyond compare.... It is like space archeology.... An U.S. ham
> re-discovered LES-1 several months ago and some media wrote a news report,
> but the original owner/builder of the satellite didn't reply to his
> e-mail....
> About Allouette-2, the interesting was the international collaboration, Cuba
> and Australia are almost in opposites part of the world, but Mike Kenny and
> I still exchange information and collaboreted for confirm the re-discovery,
> and that my friend is the true ham spirit....

I've been listening to the archived recordings of The Space Show at:


and one point the host often makes is that space has been one realm in
which different nations have largely co-operated and have generally
remained peaceful.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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