On 9/28/13, Raydel Abreu Espinet (CM2ESP) <cm2...@frcuba.co.cu> wrote:
> Regarding Canada's Space Program, did you know that Canada's oldie satellite
> Allouette-2 is back to live???, or at least its transmitters.....
> While I was monitoring the 136-138 satellite sub-band a couple of months ago
> with a RTL2832U based cheap SDR dongle I founded weird doppler shifted
> signals not matching any known transmitting satellite. After reporting it on
> the HearSat mailing list and posterior confirmation from Mike Kenny in
> Australia the best match was Canadian old satellite Allouete-2 launched in
> 1965.

I found a tracking URL for it:


Apparently it re-entered on 1999-12-15 and NASA has nothing on it:


Alouette-1, on the other hand, is still in orbit:


and here's what NASA has on it:


Now you've got me interested.....


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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