I am breaking with my normal practise of not posting to the amsat-bb:

I have a M2 436CP42 which is even larger than the 436CP30. I have had it since about 1999 as it was used for AO-40 uplink. I wired mine in RHCP without the optional polarity switching relay so I have no direct experience with the relay. My antenna has performed just fine in the 14-years it has been mounted outside so the antenna is certainly of good construction. I made no extra protection other than good sealing of coax lines.

The relay in question is probably not manufactured by M2 so quality may not be up to their usual standard? The white plastic obviously was not UV resistant. Instead of bemoaning this just replace it with a good coaxial relay like the CX140 from Tohtsu (or suitable substitute) which you can buy from DEMI, RF Parts and probably many ham dealers.

I wonder if M2 even stocks these relays anymore? No comment on their customer service. You should have heard back from them.

I have several M2 antennas in use: four 2mXP-20 for eme, 436CP42 AND 2m7 for satellite, 420-450-11 for general purpose UHF, and several splitters and other components all which perform well for over a decade in Alaska's wx.

73, Ed - KL7UW

At 09:54 AM 12/10/2013, WA6FWF wrote:
Well I look my antennas over each year but they have always been relatively easy to get at even when they were on a glen martin tower on the roof, I could see every other year if it is a major undertaking but based on his call he is in New York, to think you can put a antenna up and ignore it for years in a area with snow and freezing temps stretches reason.

I'm also a fan of coax seal and some sort of coating on the elements, When I look my antennas over I'm checking for loose bolts and UV damage to plastic parts and coax, out on the west coast it is the Sun and heat that is the thing to worry about.

73 Kevin WA6FWF

On 12/10/2013 10:32 AM, R.T.Liddy wrote:
I'm neutral on this topic, but I was curious if the M2 Manual mentioned
anything about maintenance. Here are the instructions:


There is no mention of maintenance. Of course, it would be a good idea
to check things out regularly. But, depending on where the antenna is
installed, it could be quite difficult to get to it once it's put up. I can't think
of anyone that actually does yearly maintenance on their antennas. My rule
of thumb is to anticipate what problems could occur and do what's necessary
to avoid them during the initial installation. I always use Coax-Seal and spray
the heck out of everything with clear Rustoleum.

GL,   Bob K8BL

  From: WA6FWF <wa6...@sbcglobal.net>
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:01 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: why not to buy an M2 antenna

Might I ask what sort of preventative maintenance did you perform each year?

     73 Kevin WA6FWF

On 12/10/2013 8:46 AM, Lizeth Norman wrote:
Purchased a M2 436CP30. Had a failure of the switching block in less than 5
years. White plastic cracked and allowed water to ingress to the switcher.
Customer service?? No return call.
Pics on request.
Norm n3ykf
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73, Ed - KL7UW
"Kits made by KL7UW"
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