
Here is a copy and paste from the manual.

·         The name of the satellite

·        The receive- and transmit frequencies in kHz

·        The Up- and Downlink modes

·        The frequency trend of the satellite (normal or reverse)

·        The converter and transverter offset frequencies



As a general rule, all 7 parameters have to be present, even if some of
them are irrelevant for a particular satellite. In that case the unused
data may have any value.

So for mine, I have these two lines.

FUNCUBE-1 (AO-73),145935.8,-2.83,USB,,,,TLM
FUNCUBE-1 (AO-73),145960.0,435152.89,USB,LSB,REV,,, Transponder


On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Anthony Japha <>wrote:

> Birders,
> I’m confused about the required entries into DOPPLER.SQF, and would
> appreciate your help.
> In entering the line required for AO-73, is the order LSB,USB or the
> reverse, USB, LSB?  The source of my confusion is that the instructions in
> the software indicate “Up- and Downlink modes” while the actual entries for
> the linear birds appear, except for AO-7, in the opposite order.
> Thanks much.
> 73,
> Tony, N2UN
> LM183
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