Having three Fox1 cubesats in orbit will significantly increase the
opportunities too :D Power in numbers!

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Paul Stoetzer <n...@arrl.net> wrote:

> Rich,
> From your email:
> "It is hard to use the birds in our K4AMG mentoring program since their
> orbits are mostly incompatible with classroom times.  NO SOLUTION IN SITE."
> I would disagree that no solution is in site. Check the pass times for
> EO-79, EO-80, and UKube-1. You'll find they are very convenient for
> classroom demonstrations. We just need to be patient and wait until
> they are activated for us to use. AO-73 also passes over at good times
> for classroom telemetry demonstrations.
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Rich/wa4bue <richard.s...@verizon.net>
> wrote:
> > Been a member of AMSAT since the early 80s.  Like most of you joined to
> > support the SAT Program.  Most of us probably joined for the same reason.
> >
> > How does AMSAT survive?  Survival is through volunteers and financial
> > resources.  Where does that come from????
> >
> > Like any other amateur radio club only a few help do!!
> >
> > A while back I asked what is AMSAT's STRATEGIC PLAN?
> >
> > Technology has changed drastically since I joined.  Has the plan changed.
> >
> > I agree FM satellites are the easiest point of entrance for a new SAT
> > communicator.  I disagree with I one frequency SAT.  That is an expensive
> > way to fill in the GAP.
> >
> > FOX seems to be a great answer to entry levels operators, possibly the
> > majority of the operators.
> >
> > With that said, Linear Transponders like AO 7 and FO 29 at higher
> altitudes
> > are needed.  We have lost VO 52.
> >
> > It is hard to use the birds in our K4AMG mentoring program since their
> > orbits are mostly incompatible with classroom times.  NO SOLUTION IN
> >
> > So there is a need to plan ahead for more accessible birds with more
> Linear
> > transponders and other features.  How do we get there?
> >
> > A strategic plan accesses the current mission and goals to achieve a
> future
> > vision.
> >
> > Your volunteer time and money can make this happen.
> >
> > One step would be enhanced Field Organization.
> >
> > When we started the K4AMG MARC, Inc. there was no field organization in
> our
> > area.  Plenty of help from A FAR but no one with hands on experience
> > locally.
> >
> > Just a member
> >
> > Rich
> > W4BUE
> > PRES K4AMG.org
> >
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> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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