On 07/22/2014 06:25 PM, R.T.Liddy wrote:
You may think it's stupid...

Oh, for heavens sake.  I DIDN'T SAY IT WAS STUPID!!!  I said:

> To imply to the uneducated observer and potential future satellite operator, that > standing in the rain is the pinnacle of hamsat ground station technology is (in my
> opinion) counter productive and, yes, stupid.

To tell people who you are trying to entice into satellite operation that the ONLY way to operate satellite is with a broomstick, may push shack-potatoes away rather than draw them in. THAT is stupid. Because there is broomstick waving, shack-potatoing, mobileing, field-day, unattended telemetry logging and who knows what else? Any one of which might appeal to someone in the audience, and draw them in. All of these can't be demoed, but hopefully they won't be ignored of dismissed, because any one of these might be the hook that lands another satellite op.

Gus 8P6SM
The Easternmost Isle

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