Nativity = autocorrect of "being naive" :) sorry about that

On Saturday, July 26, 2014, Bryce Salmi <> wrote:

> Ao40 was not too complex. I work in the space industry, I've already have
> my electronics fly to orbit (not AMSAT), it's awesome and scary all In one.
> Watching it launch not too long ago was gut wrenching, the entire system is
> complex but I trusted in my testing, I trusted my coworkers testing, and I
> trusted that we all worked to do the best we could, if it didn't work and
> we knew it wasn't from nativity... I'm fine with that, it's a learning
> experience. Anyone willing to operate in space must be willing to accept
> defeat.
> we like to refer to space vehicles/missions as binary. It works or it
> doesn't, space is unforgiving and by forging into it you must accept
> failure as an outcome but do everything to avoid it. There's no shame in
> that. It can and will still happen. Only those willing to risk it achieve
> what was once thought impossible.
> Having a clear path to get flight heritage on a common design is an
> obvious way of mitigating future risk.
> Bryce
> Kb1lqc
> On Saturday, July 26, 2014, Phil Karn <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> On 07/22/2014 12:26 AM, Bryce Salmi wrote:
>> > By usher in he was clearly referring to gaining technical abilities as a
>> > group to attack more complex satellites.
>> That's not how I read it. In any event, AMSAT has already built far more
>> complex satellites; remember AO-40? (Maybe that one was *too* complex.)
>> Quite a few of the older and more experienced technical volunteers have
>> simply drifted away from the organization due to a lack of interesting
>> current projects.
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