Chameleon... ^o)
if we're going to use Tk, I think we should use tile from the very start...

p.s: that was a shot...


On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 14:56:50 -0400, NoWhereMan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Youness Alaoui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> python, NO, perl, NO... I know these languages are popular, but I just
>> hate the syntax, and especially python, I heard so much about it, but I
>> never even felt the need to look at what the code looks like, I just  
>> hate
>> it from the start...
> Neither I like it so much, but maybe you have to think about it from
> the point of view of ease of use, more than beauty itself (even if I  
> agree a
> little with you :)).
> really, it doesn't look that bad ;)
> And btw, you said you didn't like tcl as well :D
>> moreover, the main reason why we'd avoid python (if everyone agrees with
>> me), is that we're tcl/tk programmers here.. learning a new language, no
>> thanks... C code is for those who knows C code, and there are a few in
>> here, and it's still the standard programming language...
>> if we could get the hell out of tcl/Tk (or any interpreted language), I
>> would 100% do it, the only problem with C code is that it's hard to  
>> create
>> GUIs with it (I think, anyways, I'm still under the trauma of my Qt
>> course...), while in Tk, it's as easy as stealing a cnady from a kid  
>> (who
>> ever invented this quote???), which is why we want to stick to Tk for  
>> our
>> GUI.
> As I said, gtk doesn't look that bad in every programming language (gtk  
> is
> C). pygtk is just a wrapper
>> What you have said though made me realize that we might be going the  
>> wrong
>> way in some stuff...
>> we could drop the whole interpreter thing, the Data/ structures could be
>> held in C structure (don't talk about C++ because of ABI, but C++ is the
>> nicest way to do it, I know!), and we could have a nice API to access
>> those...
>> and the GUI.. we could still use Tk inside C code with the Tk library...
>> no ?
> shoot me: I don't like how tk looks :D
> you have to compile yourself tcl/tk 8.5 just to have antialiased fonts...
> d'uh!
>> should we drop the .tcl files completly ?
> not to be repetitive (maybe you know it):  
> :D
> ok, beat me :P
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