Jim Foley wrote:

> Date sent:              Wed, 03 Mar 1999 11:58:36 -0800
> To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:                   "Glen W. Forister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:                [analog-help] Spiders and Analog
> Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > In looking at the results of Analog, I assume that most of the visitors to
> > my site from everywhere in the word are mostly spiders gathering
> > information.  Is there any way to filter out the spiders and identify the
> > real visitors to my URL?
> Should do it. Most browsers that aren't spiders have Mozilla in
> them. The spiders don't. There could be exceptions to either rule of
> course.

A cautionary note here. Some spiders (not the top search engines, I don't think)
mimick a mozilla useragent to ensure they are spidering the content likely to be
presented to a user and not some content you may have chosen to present only to

Jeremy Wadsack
The Flagstaff Link

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