As always, this has been a BIG help. So, let me try to put my foot in
it again. (yes, I'm a glutton for punishment) If I can manage to at least
not say something false, I'll feel redeemed.

   1. Analog essentially maintains a list of logfiles it expects to see,
      and for each of these it keeps a list of formats it might use. This
      allows multiple files/formats to be processed with a minimum of
      (relatively slow) string processing to determine the format.

   2. When you add a logfile its format list will contain the "current"
      list of formats- which is usally ALL previous declarations of
      LOGFORMAT, plus the default. (I assume there is a way to remove
      formats from the current list- but it escapes me right now)

   3. If analog encounters a logfile not in its list, it uses the default 
      format. If it encounters a logfile that it doesn't think is in the
      "right" format the file is skipped.

   4. If you try to add a logformat without a logfile it complains
      (LOGFORMAT specified without LOGFILE)

   5. The default format happens to be "examine and guess" - but it can be
      overridden with DEFAULTLOGFORMAT. (maybe?)

   I think that the description of how logfile and logformat works in the
docs probably could use some improvement- but the info *is* there. Sorry
about being too dense to get it right away. Now it seems a lot simpler
than I'm trying to make it. (a recurring theme I'm afraid) 


P.S. Just a note about analog's speed- I ran 22000+ reports using
     analog on compressed log files totallying about 400MB (uncompressed
     they'd be around 3 to 5 GB) and the entire process took less than 5
     minutes w/o numlookups. (we're still working on a good way to speed
     up reverse DNS for our situation)

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