On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Chuck Smillie wrote:

> My log file appears to have some problems ... I cannot get stats on anything
> after 4/9 between 0400-0500. I have expanded the raw log file and it looks
> ok, with tons of log entries after that time frame. But I still cannot see
> anything after this date. I was using 3.90Beta2 and upgraded to 4.1 and see
> the exact same problems on both (and on two machines).  Below are the log
> entries from 0400 to 0630 for the 9th.

These entries work fine for me. Do they work for you just using those

Have you got a TO command in operation?

What exactly is the symptom of it not seeing them? Are they reported as
corrupt or unwanted or what?

Stephen Turner               http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
  Statistical Laboratory, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, England
"8th March 2000. National No Smoking Day. Ash Wednesday." (On a calendar)

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