Brian Clifton wrote:

> I have not done a direct comparision, but I am pretty sure as far as bare
> facts go they would be the same. If you have an example where WT has
> produced pure twoddle, please post.

There was a post re: this matter two weeks agon when W*bTr*ends came up on the
list. Check the archives around May 10th for Jim Sander's strong dismissal of
the product's claimed reliability.

> By 'detailed' I mean presentation wise. In my experience, marketing
> departments want clear and precise graphs/trends/percentage differences
> and this is what WT is good at - the report e-mailed as a word document
> is particularly powerful. I have not used Report Magic but I imagine both
> have strength's and weakeness.

Report Magic will provide you all the fancy reports, graphs, and desciptions
that WebTrands does. It does not (yet) provide trends. Installation is faily
simple in Windows and Mac systems (although it doesn't have a fancy
InstallShield wizard). Installation on Unix systems, the first time, is still
unwieldy (yes, this is a known issue :).

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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