On Thu, 25 May 2000, Robert wrote:
> Stephen, I read it, but I probably failed to ask clearly: I'm tracking
> users by URL rewriting under modperl, so every single user gets its own
> session id and I don't care about her turning cookies off and/or funny
> caches/proxies/dynamic IPs etc (well, sort of, but the results still
> correspond quite closely to the real visitors - if somebody comes twice
> using its non-rewriten URL, I'd count her as two different users, but
> the error is still rather small). This gives one more field for every
> request - session id. If I log it in the custom log format under Apache,
> can Analog do something usefull with it?

Well, in that case the User Report will handle it.

Stephen Turner               http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
    Statistical Laboratory, Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
    Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
"8th March 2000. National No Smoking Day. Ash Wednesday." (On a calendar)

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