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-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette


> Ive run across what I think is a bug in Report Magic... whenever I specify
> the word "top" in a directory path... neither the index file NOR the nav
> file will generate, though strangely everything else does (the reports
> themselves run fine):
> Heres are the relevant pieces of my confi file:
> [statistics]
> File_In = whatever
> Frame_File_Out =
> ../htdocs/reports/top/Wed-Nov-29-00-18.59.14-supportreport/index.html
> Reverse_Time = 1
> Format= XHTML 1.0
> [reports]
> Active_Column=R
> Stylesheet = ../../rmagicstyle.css
> File_Out = ../htdocs/reports/top/Wed-Nov-29-00-18.59.14-supportreport/
> [navigation]
> Font_Color = #cc6600
> Font = Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
> Stylesheet = ../../rmagicnavstyle.css
> BG_Color = #ffffcc;
> File_Out =
> ../htdocs/reports/top/Wed-Nov-29-00-18.59.14-supportreport/nav.html
> The problem for me is the head of the marketing department here logs onto
> the lan as xxxtoppxxxx and I use his $ENV{REMOTE_USER} name to store his
> files in directories seperate from other users (I also use that parameter to
> send an email to him when the report is complete)...
> Its gonna look bad but for the interum Im going to have to cheat a bit and
> grep out the p's in his name :).  Ill go over the file
> tomorrow and see if I can spot anything
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at
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org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

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