At 08:07 PM 4/25/2001 +0100, Iain Hunneybell wrote:
>Thanks for this...might be the issue so thanks for the idea. I'll see if a
>sort of the data helps but with some single httpd instance 24 hour log files
>in excess of 200Mb that might be fun :-)

I understand your problem here. He had multiple log files and multiple time 
zones which had to be munged to have a common time zone along with sorting 
the time information into a single 1GB+ file (for a single day). To say it 
took a while before giving the data to WT is an understatement :(

I personally have no idea how a single web server could generate logs like 
this in a single file ('misplaced' time events), but he assures me it is 
possible and has seen it happen. Regretfully, I don't know which web server 
they were using, which could help narrow this.

I knew about some of the problems with WT from personal experience, but the 
"throw it away if it doesn't make time sense to me" was a new one. I 
personally have never been able to get a good correlation between Analog 
and WT so I gave up trying to make sense out of it. I just told people that 
Analog was a raw look with no assumptions, and WT generated all the pretty 
bar and pie charts and was, basically, a top 10 look at your logs with some 
basic assumptions.

They make different assumptions (well, IMHO, WT makes assumptions and 
Analog just tells you what is in the file) about the same data, so to see 
different results makes sense and that there is extreme difficulty 
rectifying the differences would make sense based on the starting point of 
both programs.

Bob Gahl Bicycle (Ryan Vanguard) Mobile ||     @
     ARPA/Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     ||  !_ \
    URL:    ||  (*)-~--+--(*)
"Sahn joong moe low ful how jee yah ching wong" - "When the
mountain has no tigers, the monkey will also declare himself
king." Chinese Proverb

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