I didn't set Analog and I have no background in IT. I'm just trying to
interpret the results for my company's site. It is a financial website
with a lot of graphs updated every minute and other sections which are
also frequently updated. We also share our real-time graphs which are
very often displayed on third-party websites.

1.Given that most of our pages contain frequently updated elements,
what may be the effect of this on the cache issue? Is it reasonable to
expect that visitors will be less likely to use the cached version and
our results are less likely to be skewed by this problem?
2.What can be the effect of sharing our graphs on "Individual hosts
served" category? If people see our graphs on a third-party website,
those views will count as "requests" in Analog (right?) but will those
people be included in the "individual hosts served" count or will
Analog only see the page on which the graphs are displayed?
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