Natalia Lis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Again, thank you for the answer,
> I have read a little bit more about the relationship between IP and
> unique visitors, but I'm not sure I get that: "This is in part because
> any given user could have visited site 1, 2 and 3, and so they could
> be counted multiple times". Assuming that the user would retain the
> same IP, why would he be counted again if he made requests from
> another site?

He woouldn't, but your original question was "if 1000 different people/hosts 
view our graph on page XYZ analog will show that we've got at least 1000 
requests from 1000 individual hosts referred to us by the site XYZ?". Analog 
will tell you how many requests were referred from site XYZ, but it won't tell 
you how many individual hosts were referred from XYZ, because some of those 
hosts may also have been referred from PQR and from ABC as well. So if an 
individual user vists 3 different 3rd party sites, you'll have 3 requests in 
your log files, referred from 3 different sites, but Analog will only count 1 
unique Host.

> As for the second question I made an error. In fact I have no proof
> that there no .html files on the site. I claimed there weren't any
> because I looked at the files listed in the Request Report under the
> header "Listing files with at least 20 requests…" But when I summed up
> the number of requests I realized it was the same as "Successful
> requests for pages". In other words it is only "pages" that are listed
> there. Also, in the Host Report, it shows that there are many hosts
> that make many requests but 0 requests for pages. Apparently, there
> are some files on the site I'm not aware of.

There is a command "REQINCLUDE PAGES" that will cause Analog to ignore anything 
that isn't a Page Request when it is generating the Request Report (or, to put 
it another way, it turns the "Request Report" into a "Page Request Report"). 
You can comment out that command to see all the requests, or you can look at 
the File Type Report to see what other types of files are being requested.


> Best,
> Natalia
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Aengus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Natalia Lis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot, this is very useful,
>>> Our shared graphs are hosted on our sites. So just to make sure: if
>>> (putting aside the cache and other issues) 1000 different
>>> people/hosts view our graph on page XYZ (which is not our website),
>>> analog will show that we've got at least 1000 requests from 1000
>>> individual hosts referred to us by the site "XYZ"?
>> Sort of.
>> If you have 5 different "3rd party" servers displaying your graphs
>> (for example), you can get a report saying that 40% of the requests
>> were referred from site 1, 25% from site 2, 20% from site 3, etc.
>> But you can't get a report saying that 1000 individual hosts were
>> referred from site 1, 700 from Site 2, etc. This is in part because
>> any given user could have visited site 1, 2 and 3, and so they could
>> be counted multiple times, whereas any given request can only occur
>> once - so requests and "individual hosts" are different types of
>> data, so they can't be reported on in exactly the same way.        
>> (Note also that the Referrer field is optional - not all web servers
>> log it. And not all web browsers report it, and it's something that
>> can only be measured with the cooperation of the user).  
>>> Regarding cache, I have another question. Is it possible to cache a
>>> page and only refresh some of its items (like graphs) without
>>> making a new request for page? The reason I ask is because we have
>>> several sites and for one of them, analog shows that the number of
>>> "requests for pages" per week is three times smaller than the
>>> number of "individual hosts served" per week. In other words, an
>>> individual host requests less than one page. And this is precisely
>>> the site that does not host any graphs – even the graphs which are
>>> displayed there come from our other websites. Thus, as far as I
>>> know no files from this website are displayed elsewhere and it
>>> would seem to me that in order to make any requests from the site,
>>> one would have to actually visit it and request at least one page.
>>> I know that one possible problem may be the definition of a "page",
>>> but analog shows that all major files on the site are .html
>> Hmmm. You've already covered the obvious explanation. But I wouldn't
>> look at caching for the explanation here. I presume you have the
>> Host report on (I think the Individual Hosts Served figure is only
>> calculated if you're generating the Host Report). I'd change the
>> Columns displayed for that report to show both Requests and Page
>> requests:     
>> HOSTSORTBY Requests
>> This will give you an indication of who is making Requests, but not
>> making page requests. 
>> Next, I'd have a look at the Status Report, and see if you're
>> getting an unusual number of Redirects - these probably count as
>> requests, rather than Page Requests.  
>> Lastly, I'd have a look at the File Type report. You said that
>> "analog shows that all major files on the site are .html" but you
>> didn't say how you reached that conclusion. If you looked at the
>> Request Report, and saw that it only lists .html requests, your
>> configuration might have a "REQINCLUDE PAGES" command that excludes
>> any non-Page requests from the report. The File Type Report
>> (FILETYPE ON) will give you more detailed information about the type
>> of requests being made against the server. (You can also change the
>> File Type report to show Requests and Page Requests with TYPECOLS
>> RPb)         
>> The bottom line is that a Host gets into your log file, and therefor
>> gets counted, when it makes a Request. The discrepancy that you're
>> seeing is because not all Requests are Page Requests, so if you're
>> seeing lots of Requests that aren't Page Requests, then your
>> assumption about .html files must be incorrect. Once you find out
>> what non-Page requests are causing this discrepancy, you can look at
>> the referrers for those particular requests to see if the problem
>> might be down to cached .html files, or, more likely, due to some
>> dynamic content not being counted as a Page Request.        
>> Sorry I can't give a cut and dried answer here - this is exactly the
>> sort of problem that Analog is really good at solving, once you know
>> the right questions to ask of your log files.  
>> Hope that helps,
>> Aengus
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