Brian Clanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyway, to me it seems I need to include the redirected logs since
> these are the only accounts of local access requests from patrons
> that are in the log file.
> Am I correct in saying this?

It doesn't make much difference whether you're correct or not. Analog won't 
treat log entries with a 301 response code as "Successful requests". If you 
want those log entries to show up in the Request Report rather than the 
Redirection Report, then you'll have to either modify the logs, modify Analog's 
source code, or modify EZProxy.

You might have some success by ignoring the Status Code altogether (marking it 
as %j in the LOGFORMAT), but that depends on whether you are paying any 
attention to requests other than 200s and 301s.


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