
When I used your suggestion:  

LOGFORMAT (%S - %j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] "%j %r %j" %c %b "%f" "%A" %j)

It is working fine.  At least, analog doesn't complaint anymore.

>From what I could tell, either of Domain Report or Organization Report
still is not giving out meaningful results.

Domain Report
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

  reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
806393:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organization Report
This report lists the organizations of the computers which requested

Listing the top 20 organizations by the number of requests, sorted by
  number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: organization
------: ------: ------------
 57717:  6.97%: 71
 46858:  6.41%: 76
 46018:  4.81%: 205.178
 35415:  4.90%: 72
 34912:  4.33%: 69
 34499:  4.33%: 75
 30822:  3.55%: 70
 30050:  3.93%: 98
 20957:  2.62%: 74
 15863:  1.90%: 210.5
 13839:  1.74%: 99
 12744:  1.51%: 96
  6666:  0.98%: 12

So, how do we resolve the issue for both Domain and Organization

>The Search Word and Query Reports rely on the Referrer field, and on
the >relevant Search Engine being defined in your Analog.cfg (there are
a couple >of dozen of the more common ones listed in the default

>If you have any referrers from Google or Yahoo, then your Search Word
>Reports should not be empty.

>The Internal Search Reports need you to define a particular URL on your
web >server as an "search engine", and which field in the Query String
is the >search term. The Internal Search Engine is not defined by
default, so it's >reports will always be empty unless you've defined an
Internal Search >Engine,

Based on my LOGFORMAT, my Referrer field shouldn't be empty.  Right?



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aengus
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 4:53 PM
To: Support for analog web log analyzer
Subject: Re: [analog-help] Need help to retrieve (and correct)
allreports(need help on LOGFORMAT)

Leung, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aengus,
> The below is what we see for the Domain Report, but it is not what we
> are expecting.
> Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
> reqs %bytes domain
> 655193 100% [unresolved numerical addresses]
> Even it is entirely based on IP numbers, I should see a list of
> several IP addresses, instead of what we have now.

My mistake - it's actually the Organization Report that shows breakdown
by IP address when DNS resolution isn't enabled - the Domain Report
reports on Top Level Domains (.com, .org,, etc) so it requires IP
names, not IP numbers.

The Organisation report lists the organizations (companies,
institutions, ISPs etc.) that the IP addresses are registered to. When
you only have IP numbers, the Organization Report basically breaks the
addresses down by "Class", so anything from 12.x.y.x will be listed
under 12, (a Class A address) but higher addresses will typically be
listed with 2 or more octets.
> But when I am using the above, instead of letting analog to use its
> auto-detect, I got the following error message in the output:
> analog: Warning L: Large number of corrupt lines in logfile
>  /source_data1/weblog/datafiles/1.log: turn debugging on or try
> different
>  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
>    Current logfile format:
>      %S - %j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j %r %j" %c %b "%f" "%A" "%j"
> "%j" "-"\n
> what does it mean?  Does it mean that I should this suggested format?

It means that not all of the lines in your logfile match the LOGFORMAT
that you told Analog to use. At a guess, the last field in your
logformat isn't always "-", so you might just want 

LOGFORMATm (%S - %j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] "%j %r %j" %c %b "%f" "%A" %j)

> The Domain report is one issue.  And then, some of the "search"
> reports are turn off.
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Query Report
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Word Report
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Internal Search Query Report
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Internal Search Word Report
> how do I verify if we have any data for these reports?

The Search Word and Query Reports rely on the Referrer field, and on the
relevant Search Engine being defined in your Analog.cfg (there are a
couple of dozen of the more common ones listed in the default

If you have any referrers from Google or Yahoo, then your Search Word
Reports should not be empty.

The Internal Search Reports need you to define a particular URL on your
web server as an "search engine", and which field in the Query String is
the search term. The Internal Search Engine is not defined by default,
so it's reports will always be empty unless you've defined an Internal
Search Engine,


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