I don't think that it can be done using StringTokenizer.

On Mar 14, 12:17 pm, Albert Hernández <>
> I think that the methods proposed here are very heavy:
> XML Parsing is too much for that easy task
> "Check it manually" is not optimal
> I suggest you to have a look on the class 
> StringTokenizer:
> Albert
> On Mar 13, 11:57 pm, sm1 <> wrote:
> > I do it this way (it works for me):
> >   /**
> >    * @param tag The tag without the angle bracket, i.e.,
> >    *             the given value does not start with "&lt;".
> >    * @param str The string containing the tags and data.
> >    * @return empty string when tag absent or str invalid.
> >    */
> >   String takeit(String tag,String str){
> >     try{
> >       int i = str.indexOf("<"+tag+">");
> >       if(i<0){
> >         i = str.indexOf("<"+tag+" ");
> >       }
> >       if(i<0) {
> >         return "";//tag not found
> >       }
> >       String s = str.substring(i);
> >       i = s.indexOf(">");
> >       if(i<0) {
> >         //no matching end-angle-bracket (>)
> >         return "";
> >       }
> >       s = s.substring(i+1);//the returned string begins with the data
> > of this tag
> >       int j = s.indexOf("</"+tag+">"); //in this version,  "<tag/>"
> > tags are not used.
> >       if(j<0) {
> >         //TODO Log.d(...)
> >         return "";
> >       }
> >       s = s.substring(0,j); // j is the position of the end-tag.
> >       return s.trim();
> >     }catch(Exception ex){
> >       /* TODO maybe
> >       Log.d("myClass",ex+" - Thread.currentThread()
> >                    +".takeit() returning empty string;"
> >                    +" tag = "+tag
> >                    +"; str = "+str
> >                  );
> >       */
> >       return "";
> >     }
> >   }
> > cheers
> > serge
> > On Mar 12, 4:34 pm, EECOLOR <> wrote:
> > > I think that would be something like this:
> > > public String takeit(String str, String tag)
> > > {
> > >  return str.replace(".*?<" + tag + ">(.*?)</" + tag + ">.*", $1);
> > > }
> > > Greetz Erik
> > > On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:14 PM, guruk <> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > i have a long String and need to capture some text in between of some
> > > > tags.
> > > > for example:
> > > > myString="Hello, this is a test <start>12345</start> and here i like
> > > > to say <marki>oioidddad</marki> what is that <opxmark>notwise</
> > > > opxmark> and now i close";
> > > > How would you do in java regex or any short thing like:
> > > > starttag = takeit(myString,"start");          //result = "12345"
> > > > marktag =takeit(myString,"marki");         //result = "oioidddad"
> > > > opxmark=takeit(myString,"opxmark");    //result == "notwise"
> > > > thanks a lot from your java newbie :)
> > > > chris
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